Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pre-surgery Jitters

I am having anxiety about this surgery and I  need to get my head around it fast.  Looking for a guided imagery meditation that I can do to get my mind and body in sync and ready for this important life step.

I am going to imagine the following every time I get stressed about this surgery:

You are in strong and capable hands.  Imagine the large, strong hands of the maker massaging my knees..rubbing them firmly, the warmth of the hands penetrating the bones.  The massaging is making me sleepy and I fall into a deep sleep.  The maker's hands turns the knee bones into clay, and begins to reshape them.  First, he replaces the knee cap with a stronger one.  Then he replaces the missing cartilage...ensuring it will rub smoothly.

Imagine myself waking up, and understanding that this new knee is stiff because it has never been moved.  But the knee WILL move..slowly and over time.  No need for frustration.  Time and effort will work.  That is the design.  I am imaging the swelling is a sign that my body is getting used to the new knee...and as I drink water and walk as instructed, the water is slowly working itself out and the swelling will go down.

I know that I am making the right choice.  I am confident in the skill of my physician.  I will rely on the help and guidance of my mother, who will be beside me.

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